So great news for smashing pumpkins fans, and anyone that enjoys good music. But before we get to that, lets talk about something else. Billy Corgan and Jessica Simpson are dating? Really? Two things about that:
1. I have now lost all respect I had for Corgan.
2. I didn't think Billy Corgan was famous enough to date JC.
3. oh I'm throwing in a third one here, honestly I didn't know she was still living in the U.S.
4. I thought he had AIDS? Wait that's just the look he's going for? well that's cool.
5. Who do you think weights more?
6. How much do you think his friends make fun of him?
7. she's fat
8. Nick Lachey sure looks like an old Albert Einstein now huh?
- This brings up another interesting thought. Which family did it take longer to realize vanished off the planet?
The Ozbornes or The Simpsons?
But don't worry people of earth, this awful situation does more than just affect the fans of the Smashing Pumpkins, but all of us. News is that Simpson is in the studio helping Corgan write songs for his new album. I'm sorry? It's more true that you ever wanted it to be, click here.
Ok I can't help myself, here we go again:
1. She can write?
2. I didn't know Corgan was that desperate and had such a bad case of writers block
3. I get it, Billy needs a good laugh
4. This guy is going to ruin his credibility to fuck something that was hot 5 years ago? If you're going to do that, just bang Lindsey Lohan, at least she would just sit in the corner strung out while you worked on your songs.
5. She didn't write HER songs, so how is she going to do this?
6. Does this mean a new reality show for MTV?
Well, today now sucks ass doesn't it?