Friday, December 24, 2010

just put her down already.

Don't you think it's time? many of you have had pets, and you all know when it's time to call it quits. shouldn't that same sentiment come into play with celebrities? as good citizens of this plants, lindsey lohan serves no purpose to us, other than an ultimate gimme in any death pool.  (if she goes before april, mwp wins $250). if anything she's a drain on our society, using up tabloid pages that could be covered with pictures of leo's latest sexual conquest. instead of masturbating to leo's wonderful life full of yachts, anal bleached high class hookers and world domination, we are stuck with pictures of lohan's "fair" skin. in this context,"fair" = aids lesions like tom hanks had in philadelphia. hollywood is for beautiful people and maggie gyllenhaal.

now throwing a booze fest in your room at rehab is kinda awesome. it's not cool when it's done by a total w.o.a.l (waste of a life). if you told me that robert downey jr had hookers, blow, midgets and balloons fill his room at betty ford this christmas, i would start shooting H between my toes in an attempt to get an invite.  that fake lesbian for attention gets entirely too much coverage in the blog world.  we can all be writing about the kick ass shit. instead everyday i have to read about how this hatchet wound got wasted again and lost another job.  that's the average american.  MWP doesn't cover the average americans!  this is the last you will hear about old yeller from MWP, well at least until they put her down.

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