Wednesday, September 16, 2009

things that make you go, hmmmmm

Does anyone find it ironic (and yes I have seen George Carlin’s bit on “Irony” and know what it means) that Michael J. Fox was in a series of movies about time travel? And that if the world was a perfect place he could just keep traveling back in time to before he started to shake. He could live day after day prior to his shake filled nights. Or he could travel to the future, when we have a cure for Parkinson’s, get all fixed up, go back to present time and live out his life being able to play Wii successfully.

You know the part at the end of the first movie, when Doc comes with the time machine and says that Marty and Jennifer have to go back to the future with him because of, “their kids”. I always picture Doc coming up to Marty running and saying, “We got to go back to the future! You start shaking all the time! No one will let you hold their babies, or take pictures of anything. (Were those low blows to one of the nicest people in Hollywood?) The crappy thing is that he’ll find out that he doesn’t get any taller in the future either. I wonder which one he’s more pissed about? Being short forever, or having Parkinson’s and not being able to play freeze tag with his kids.

I wonder.

God do I wonder.

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