Thursday, September 3, 2009

"G" should go back to Gatorade

I must have missed something. Why on earth would Gatorade change their name to just "G"? They pretty much had the market for sport drinks didn't they? I mean how many times do you say, "I could really go for a Gatorade right now." When your companies name becomes the brand, I would say that it would be wise to not change your name. That would be like kleenex changing it's name to "K". It just doesn't make a lick of sense. Do the people at the top of the "G" company have any idea how easy it is to confuse the American public? People love the fact that their world doesn't change. They love that Friends is going to be on at 6:00 every night, that a Big Mac is called a Big Mac, and not a "BM", they love that every Nickleback song sounds the same. So long story short, President Bush had a better idea when he invested our social security in the stock market.

The other thing that I don't get is the names of their flavors. When Gatorade, what the fuck am I thinking, "G", came out I knew what the fucking flavors were because I looked at the label and the color of the liquid inside. I know what fruit punch, lemon-line, grape and orange taste like because I'm older than 6. But no matter what age you are, you have no idea what these flavors taste like:

  • Cool Blue

  • Red Drive

  • Frost

  • Cool Fusion

  • Quiet Storm

  • True Force

What the fuck is that? Have you ever tasted True Force? Oh God it's so good. I mean I can't get enough. Or Quiet Storm, tastes a lot like actually a quiet storm. A loud storm, that tastes like shit.

And I'm not drinking this shit if it leaks out of my body in the color that it went into me. Not cool, Gatorade is sticky too.

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