Sunday, December 7, 2008

Strange Morning

I ate breakfast with my soccer team this morning at IHOP. Great time was had by all. The game started at 8, so the best idea was for all of us to drink mimosas on the bench during the game. So long story short, we dominated the other team like a million to 2 or something. I'm making this quick because i have to go buy a new phone today. (It won't stop vibrating, that's what she said) So we all get to IHOP and a member of the team is sitting outside and not with the team. He's a good guy, so I'm thinking he needs some fresh air. I find out that he was outside because he didn't want to be in the dining area because there was a lady making balloon animals. He's scared of balloons. Scared of balloons to the point that he can't even be in the same room as them. I will have much more on this later. I think this has peaked my imagination. Next blog will be about unusual phobias.

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