Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yankee's Baseball = By the Numbers

Does anyone else really hope the Yankees don't even make the playoffs next year?

  • Did you know that A-Rod (28 million), CC Sabathia (23 million), Teixeira (22.5 million) and Jeter (21.6 million), will each by themselves make more money than the Florida Marlins entire team did 2008?
  • If their team plane crashed, sorting out all those wills and where all that money is going to go will probably take a really long time.
  • I think New York's big 3, A-Rod, Jeter, and CC, should donate some money to help out America's big 3.
  • Now with Teixeira in pinstripes, how long before Madonna drops A-Rod for him? Have you seen the man's cheek bones, come on.
  • Speaking of money, did you know that according to the UN, the world's richest 1% own 40% of all the world's wealth
  • Next year if you want to sit in the first 9 rows of the New Yankee Stadium, it's going to cost you 500-2,500 a game. Oh and the only way you can get those seats, is if you agree to buy season tickets for the next 4 years or longer. So you'll have to shell out some where around 810,000 dollars.
  • You know those same seats at Yankee stadium in 1996 (when they were good) were $25 dollars a game?

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