Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bruce Willis, is there anything he can't do?

Apparently when Bruce Willis, a Dude of Dudes, used to do Seagrams Wine Cooler commercials. Now just any actor could have pulled this off. But no one could have done it with the style and flair of Willis.

No wait, it gets better ....

Two things. 1) How the fuck is this shit wet and dry? That doesn't make any sense. But you know what, if Bruce tells me so, it has to be true. 2) I bet Bruce totally de-railed that chick afterward.

oh, and it still gets better ...

the best thing is this came out less than a year before Die Hard. So I'm starting to wonder how the kid from the Dell spots isn't blowing shit up, and throwing people off buildings on big screens all across the US.

With Bruce absolutely dominating those Seagrams commercials, it made me remember my all-time favorite celeb commercial. And my man is from Philly.

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