Monday, April 6, 2009

Farrah Fawcett Just Got a Whole Lot Sexier

We all know her as our favorite angel. Most of the 30 somethings that live with their parents call her the first girl they ever, "you know what", to. I think she still has it and she is doing something to stay freakishly thin I must say. Then I find out that she has cancer. Then I think to myself, ok that's not really a cool way to stay thin Farrah. Celebrities are so sick that they will contract Cancer to stay thin during an age where we are obsessed with our chicks looking like the sluts of Auschwitz. So now I'm thinking she isn't cool at all and is not thaaaat hot. (but kind of lying to myself thinking that I'll tap that, Cancer isn't an STD. And if it were, who cares. Fucking Farrah Fawcett would get you so many free drinks.)

Then I find out this news: Farrah Fawcett has anal cancer. Now I don't know what to do. Part of me thinks that's kind of hot. Did she get that from too much butt sexing? If so, I'm a full 3 inches right now. On the other hand, maybe anal cancer isn't sexy. I mean some cancers aren't sexy at all. But if she has anal tumors, then those are like pleasure bumps right?

I'll see everyone in Hell, I know.

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