Wednesday, August 5, 2009

new yorker with down syndrome gets 97.5 million

most of you have heard about the amazing story of the retard who lead the New York Football Giants to a Super Bowl victory two years ago. About his talented older brother Payton, who has been wildly successful on the football field and Saturday Night Live. Well apparently the people of New York have gotten together and raised 97.5 million dollars for this special man. I'm just so happy for this little guy, and the Giants for their participation in the make a wish foundation. It really is great to see a team go out there and sacrifice their next 6 seasons, just to make this little tard's dreams come true.

I don't think he should be drinking. But I guess he has to live it up. I hear their life span isn't the longest. (It's so cute how this girl is showing him some attention. People that work with the challenged really are special)

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