Monday, February 9, 2009


Ok, well we all already hated A-Rod. I mean the dude was an ultimate douche on a day in and day out basis. Now that he has tested positive and admitted to steroid use, My hatred has grown to monumental proportions. When I first heard about A-Rod testing positive, the first thought that actually went through my mind was he tested positive with hepatitis. I mean he was with that Petra dish of disease Madonna. She has to be the only person in the world to sleep with both Vanilla Ice and crazy ass Sean Penn. When I heard that that wasn't the case, steroids were the next thought.

Isn't this great when you think about it? He has to be the most fragile athlete that has ever walked the earth. With this coming to light, he's probably going to lose his mind through out all of this. What makes it all the better is that the other 103 players that tested positive, will never have their names released. Isn't that a swift kick to the pants for A-Rod?

All I have to say is that if Ken Griffey Jr. ever tests positive, baseball is going to lose this guy as a fan.

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